July 21st — Pippa Passes , KY to Rosedale, VA — 101 Miles We met the VA border around 11:30 a.m. Yeah! We still have a long way to go: around 420 miles left with 4 days to cover them. Today the grades on the climbs were very severe, averaging over 8% to 15% in some spots, which will give any rider fits in getting over the top of them. It feels great to be in my home state, of course, and I feel like we have accomplished so much getting to this point in the trip. We need to stay
focused for the next 3 days, and I should have some buddies joining me in a few days to make the last 2 days more enjoyable.
Tomorrow will be more climbing as we reach 3,000 ft. I look forward to the end of
the mountains and the beginning of flatter terrain and lower elevations as we get closer to the ocean. The scenery here is awesome with the mountains getting much larger and elevations reaching 5,000 ft. I'm seeing mountain goats in the lush green mountain pastures with larger mountain summits in the backround. It's beautiful country in southwest Virginia. 8 hours on the bike today.
GO REY! GO REY! GO REY! Peddlin on into VA! Way to go! We're chearing LOUDLY here in Haymarket!
We wish we could see you at the finish, just know we'll be thinking of you ALL!
All the BEST!
The Washingtons
Welcome Home Buddy!
All I can say is WOW!!!!
Thanks for sharing such a amazing ride!!!
Your blog has been great!!!
Congratulations on such a great accomplishment!!!
With love and smiles.
Mountain goats?
Wow...didn't know we even HAD these living wild in Virginia.
Keep it up, Rey. You're almost there!
Go. Go. Go. Savor the last few days, even as you struggle in the #!*@%# mountains of Southwestern Virginia....and remember it's supposed to cool down on Wednesday!!
Wow, what a great accomplishment! It makes me tired just thinking about it...
See you next week!
Deb Smith
You are a winner to yourself, your family and so many others! Almost home. And almost 100% in both charities! See you soon and you stay in our prayers.
The Frys
Congrats on your amazing ride and on raising fund for your chosen charities. Just incredible! I'm bummed I can't be there to meet you at the finish line. I'll be in Sante Fe on the day you end your journey. Can't wait to hear more when I return. Best wishes to you and your family. Welcome home!!!!
Bring it home Rey!
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