Thank You !

I just wanted to add a quick note to thank everyone for their messages and comments. Your words are fueling me everyday as I work my way across this great country. I take nothing for granted; I know how fortunate I am. I count on you not only for my charities but to be with me in spirit everyday of this ride. I look forward to the days ahead and hope you are all doing well.

Update: REY DID IT! Friday, July 25, at 12:42 p.m., Rey arrived at Little Island Park in Virginia Beach, Va., completing his 3,700 mile journey. He was greeted by friends, co-workers and a group of more than 20 children from three local Boys & Girls Clubs, who thanked him for his fundraising. Congratulations to Rey for an incredible ride!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

June 20th — Fallon, NV to Austin, NV 118 miles Today we departed Fallon on Route 50 across the Great Basin of Nevada, which I'll ride through for the next four days. This part of the trip is going to be mentally as well as physically challenging due to the long stretches across the desert landscape to the mountain ranges. Outside of Fallon, in Salt Wells, you can see miles of salt flats alongside Route 50 with interesting markings from people who made their mark with red colored-stones against the white salt backdrop. When you bike instead of drive you pick up little things like this very easily.

Further down the road an interesting sculpture of sand several stories high caught my eye so we had to take a few moments to see what it was. The name of this sand sculpture is "Sand Mountain," which draws many dune buggy and four-wheel enthusiasts to vacation there. This sight was used by the Pony Express riders as a landmark. A Pony Express station is said to have been just a mile or so from the site.

My next stop was something I have been waiting months to see. I have heard of this strange roadside landmark called "The Shoe Tree." The Shoe Tree is nothing more than a lone tree on the side of the road with thousands of shoes hanging from its branches. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to make a contribution to the tree. I don't know how this tradition of throwing shoes onto the tree started, but after four attempts, I succeeded in hanging my New Balance sneakers on the tree.

One basin from Austin, I was lucky enough to witness an air show from naval fighters who were honing their flying skills. At one point, the fighters were as low as a few hundred feet above my head, too quick to take a picture since you can't hear them until they are right on top of you. I noticed a sign that said "Pony Express Trail 1860 to 1861". As I got closer the sign was there to show the actual trail right alongside and only a few feet from Route 50. I ended up in Austin around early evening. Nine hours on the bike today.


Anonymous said...

Sand Mountain sounds awesome! Can't wait to see the pictures of that! We've been watching the weather, hope it hasn't been too much of a factor for you. The boys keep asking how you're doing. Tell Megan they said hello, hi Joanie.


Anonymous said...

good luck rey and for joe

good looking fella under the show tree darth is watching you xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Excited about your trip! Went XCountry (Virginia Beach to Astoria, Or) in 1977 with my girlfriend, now wife,just the 2 of us on our own. One bike each. Many flat tires, a couple of wrecks, a life-altering experience. You are brave to cross the desert! We went waaay north to Wyoming and Montana to get around the desert in August! By now guessing you are feeling in great shape, and cranking out the miles! Nice hi-tech bike, from the picture. If you want to chat sometime, I'm at Good luck to you, and keep the reports coming!