Thank You !

I just wanted to add a quick note to thank everyone for their messages and comments. Your words are fueling me everyday as I work my way across this great country. I take nothing for granted; I know how fortunate I am. I count on you not only for my charities but to be with me in spirit everyday of this ride. I look forward to the days ahead and hope you are all doing well.

Update: REY DID IT! Friday, July 25, at 12:42 p.m., Rey arrived at Little Island Park in Virginia Beach, Va., completing his 3,700 mile journey. He was greeted by friends, co-workers and a group of more than 20 children from three local Boys & Girls Clubs, who thanked him for his fundraising. Congratulations to Rey for an incredible ride!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

June 21st Austin, NV to Eureka, NV 70 miles — This day was all about recovering with lower mileage but with one catch. The Nevada terrain wasn't just going to roll over for me so I had to get the recovery underway with some climbs ahead of me. Austin is a very small western town on the side of a mountain. In order to get out of town I had to climb a 7% grade road 6 miles long to get to the peak of Austin Pass (7,484 ft.). Then all I needed to do was to ascend two more summits: New Pass Summit (6,348 ft.) and Mt. Airy Summit (6,679 ft.) before arriving in Eureka. From what I have learned, Eureka was a boom town of sorts in its day, boasting 10,000 people mining silver. The name of the town was said to have been come from a miner who discovered ore and shouted "Eureka!" I arrived early in the afternoon, which was a great break in terms of seat time. It seemed like an easy day with just five hours on the bike.

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