Thank You !

I just wanted to add a quick note to thank everyone for their messages and comments. Your words are fueling me everyday as I work my way across this great country. I take nothing for granted; I know how fortunate I am. I count on you not only for my charities but to be with me in spirit everyday of this ride. I look forward to the days ahead and hope you are all doing well.

Update: REY DID IT! Friday, July 25, at 12:42 p.m., Rey arrived at Little Island Park in Virginia Beach, Va., completing his 3,700 mile journey. He was greeted by friends, co-workers and a group of more than 20 children from three local Boys & Girls Clubs, who thanked him for his fundraising. Congratulations to Rey for an incredible ride!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

June 22nd — Eureka, NV to Ely, NV 75 miles Another light day in terms of miles but still more climbing to get through as the mountain ranges are beautiful but numerous. Eureka is also located on the side of a mountain so I had to climb the grade of around 6% or so for 5 or 6 miles. The summits we ascended today were Pinto Summit (7,351 ft.), Pancake Summit (6,521 ft.), Little Antelope Summit (7,438 ft.) and Robinson Summit (7,588 ft.). Just another gorgeous day in the 80s. Five hours on the bike today.


Anonymous said...


Get ready cuz we will be there in 3 weeks!! Katherine and I are phsyched.

We are in NY getting ready to go on LAN to Peru. All flights were canceled to NY so we had a driver get us to JFK in 3.5 hours!! Just like Baja.

We all are cheering you on!!

John, Katherine, Mary, and Anne Frances

Anonymous said...

I read this study and thought it might be useful in your daily recovery. This is from Dr. Gabe Mirkin...e-Zine June 8, 2008

New Theory on Recovery from Workouts

The soreness that you feel 8 to 24 hours after an intense
workout is caused by a tearing of the muscle fibers. The fastest
way to get muscles to heal is to have your body produce lots of
insulin and also provide a supply of protein to repair the damaged
tissue. We have known for a long time that insulin drives sugar
into cells for energy. Now we know that it also drives protein
building blocks called amino acids into the muscle cells to help
them heal faster. A study from New Zealand shows that protein
loading immediately after exercise helps cyclists recover faster
so they can ride harder for several days after an intense workout
(Physiologie Appliquée, Nutrition et Métabolisme, February 2008).
On the surface of muscle cell membranes are little hooks
called insulin receptors. Before insulin can do its job of driving
sugar and protein into cells, it must first attach to these receptors.
Hard exercise markedly increases insulin's ability to attach to
insulin receptors and therefore makes insulin more effective.
However, this increased response of insulin to exercise lasts only
during exercise and for perhaps half an hour after exercise. An
hour after you finish exercising, you have lost this added
sensitivity of insulin receptors to insulin. So to help muscles
recover faster, you need to take a carbohydrate source during a
hard workout and immediately after you finish. Any source of
carbohydrates will be broken down into simple sugars that call out
insulin. Then, as soon as possible after your workout, you should
eat any source of protein to supply the amino acids needed to
heal damaged muscle tissue.
Entrepreneurs will probably use this information to
promote various protein drinks and supplements, but you will get
the same results with any sugared drink and any food or drink that
contains protein. Soda and cheese or your favorite sports drink
and shrimp or nuts will work just fine.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the riding-and the blogging. It really helps us understand what you are seeing-and feeling. Have you met any interesting characters along the way?
Dr. P said...

Your posts are awesome and so are your pictures!! Keep enjoying your ride!

-Kelly Pike

Anonymous said...


Total stoked for you and the Fam!

8,000 feet/12 hours wow!!! Mount Weather will seem like a bump...

JB is figuring out the details but will be seeing you in a few weeks.

Save some road for me!


Anonymous said...

Hi Rey,
Keep going and the scenery are awesome. Thanks for sharing.
May God be with you along the way.
Hello to Megan and your wife..
It's Florence from NY.
Take care..

Anonymous said...

Anthony and I are so proud you! Love hearing about your daily adventure and great pictures too!! We feel like a part of your journey. Stay cool, keep upbeat and stay safe. Look forward to hearing more about your journey.


Anthony & Kim Crisp

PS - Remember, you are not climbing hills. Rather they are only inclines. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hey , This is jessica(denise Zuchelli's daughter) it sounds like you are having a great time. The pictures are amazing!!!! I cant wait to see and read more!!! Have fun and be safe!!!!!!!